Daisuke Ashihara's World Trigger manga series initially released back in 2013 in the pages of Shueisha's Weekly Shonen Jump magazine. The series was an instant success but has been forced to go on multiple long hiatuses due to Ashihara's poor health. That, however, has not stopped the series from reaching the heights it deserves.
Following the release of the show's first season, many fans were pondering exactly how long it would be before a second season would finally see the light of day; thankfully, that wait will not be for much longer as the much anticipated second season will be premeireing this January! Not only that, but the third season of the series has also been confirmed!
While not much is known about the third season as of yet, the show's second season has also been announced to premiere on Crunchyroll as a simultaneous release with the Japanese series! It has also been confirmed that the show will release as a subbed version rather than an English dub on Crunchyroll.
Not much more is known about the release, let alone a trailer but make sure to stay tuned as more news comes! We would love to hear your thoughts in the usual spot!
Four years later, people in Mikado City have grown used to the occasional battles with the Neighbors, and have returned more or less to their everyday lives. Border has become popular. One day, a mysterious white-haired student named Yūma Kuga transfers to the local school. Kuga is actually a strong humanoid Neighbor, a fact that he wants to hide from Border. In the school he meets another student, Osamu Mikumo, who is secretly a C-class Border trainee. Since Kuga is completely oblivious about life in Mikado City, it falls to Mikumo to guide him through it, and to prevent him from being discovered by Border.
World Trigger season 2 will begin streaming on Crunchyroll on January 9th!