The crew and cast members for the upcoming anime adaptation of the manga Mysterious Disappearances, were revealed along with a terrifying new teaser trailer! The creepy series will be officially premiering throughout Japanese broadcasting channels beginning in April 2024! As of right now, no details have been revealed about a global release for the anime. We'll keep an ear out for any news about a broader release to keep you updated.
In the meantime, check out the full list of cast members along with their character visuals now! Let us know which of the characters you are most excited to see in the anime adaptation of Mysterious Disappearances down in the comments!
Oto Adashino voiced by Eri Yukimura
Manami Uname voiced by Yui Horie
Sumireko Ogawa voiced by Fairouz Ai
Ren Adashino voiced by Daiki Yamashita
Along with the cast members, we have the full list of staff members for you to see who is behind the mysterious anime, down below:
- Director, Series Composition: Tomomi Mochizuki
- Character Design: Takuya Tani
- Prop Design: Hiyori Denforward Akishino
- Art Director: Toshiyuki Sakae
- Color Setting: Miyoko Ichinose
- Director of Photography: Tomomi Saito
- Editor: Masaki Utsunomiya
- Sound Director: Fumiyuki Gou
- Sound Effects: Noriko Izumo
- Sound Production: dugout
- Music: Kayo Konishi, Yukio Kondo
- Animation production: ZERO-G
Mysterious Disappearances Official Key Visual
You have all the details about the staff and cast members, but do you know the storyline for the upcoming anime series? If not, we have you covered! The publisher of the manga, Seven Seas Entertainment, describes the series' storyline down below. Read on to learn more about what to expect from the anime adaptation!
Ogawa Sumireko is a busty bookstore clerk who wants to become a novelist after some writing success in her youth. When strange occurrences start cropping up around the city, she teams up with her flirtatious co-worker Adashino Ren to look into them. But Ren is hiding a secret of his own! With their combined skills of occult knowledge, what will they discover as they investigate?
Watch the trailer for the official anime adaptation of Mysterious Disappearances down below now!
Will you be tuning in to watch the anime adaptation of Mysterious Disappearances this upcoming April? What did you think of the new trailer? Let us know your thoughts on the anime in the comments down below, and be sure to continue following along here at to stay up to date on all of your favorite anime and manga titles!