Anime is a storytelling medium that can be both outlandish and strange while simultaneously being heartfelt and series. However, the next inevitable step for fans to cross into is by being the star of the show, and the only way to do that right now is through virtual reality gaming.
Since it began to be developed more intensely, VR gaming has evolved past a gimmick and is now a substantial addition to the immersive experiences that are becoming more and more common in gaming. ALTDEUS: Beyond Chronos is a sequel to the Tokyo Chronos game and a unique adventure that melds choices that will affect the story and intense mecha combat where the player is front and center.
The Oculus title has recently released a brand new trailer that showcases some awesome gameplay and the English voice cast, which includes Chelsey Moore as Chloe, Danii Meger as Coco, and Grace Chan as Noa! With the game officially coming to the West, its players will be able to participate in what is essentially an anime come to life.
ALTDEUS: Beyond Chronos will releases early next month and be a great gift for Oculus players. Make sure to tell us what you think about the cast and new trailer in the usual spot!
ALTDEUS: Beyond Chronos picks up 300 years after the events of TOKYO CHRONOS, the award-winning VR adventure game. Devastated by deadly creatures known as Meteora, humanity seeks refuge in the underground bunkers of a post-apocalyptic Shibuya, Japan. Earth’s last hope lies within Chloe, a genetically enhanced soldier who seeks to deliver humanity from their end, while out for vengeance against the monstrosities that took her only friend.
ALTDEUS: Beyond Chronos is coming to the Oculus Quest and Oculus Rift on December 3rd!