Beginning as a manga, developed by Hiro Mashima in 2006, the shonen series called Fairy Tail has grown in such popularity overt he years that the franchise has been able to continue long after the conclusion of the series. The manga itself premiered in the pages of Kodansha's Weekly Shonen Magazine and ran for a total of 63 volumes.
Coming from the manga, an equally successful anime was released in 2009 and ran for ten years. The anime ended its run with 328 episodes. From then on, the franchise has gone on to other exciting mediums.
The main one in focus has been Fairy Tail's foray into the world of video games with its upcoming RPG by Gust and KOEI Tecmo. Being in development for quite some time now, developers have been spoonfeeding updates and information to the fans, as its summer release inches closer and closer to release.
Most recently, the developers released a brand new promotional video at the New Game+ Expo. The new video showcases the gameplay of the game and the overall finished look of the game. Make sure to check out the new trailer below, and don't forget to share your thoughts in the comments!
Fairy Tail RPG comes to PS4, Switch, and PC on July 30th in Europe and the 31st in America!