Hiro Mashima launched the hit shonen series, Fairy Tail, in 2006, within the pages of Kodansha's Weekly Shonen Magazine. The series follows Natsu Dragneel on his many adventures, in a magical world, where he discovers the dragon-like power within. The series has been a major success, since release, with its conclusion publishing in 2017 and even spawned an anime series! The anime began airing in 2009 and ended in 2019, as well. The mass appeal of the series mean that it was only a matter of time before the frnachise entered the world of video games.
Koei Tecmo and Gust have been hard at work on the upcoming Fairy Tail RPG. While not too much news as been announced, in releation to it s development, the developers have been making sure that whatever CAN be shared, Will be shared. As of now the game has confirmed a lot of playable characters and cover the Tenrou Island arc, Grand Magic Games arc and Tartaros arc. With a lot of the information that has been given, it is clear that the developers are planning to pay careful attention to details to bring the best experience to fans.
In recent news, Koei Tecmo games released a 25-minute long gameplay feature on Youtube. The video shows off the character interations, exploration, combat and the powers the characters have. Make sure to check out the brand new footage below!
Excited for the new game? Already pre-ordered? We would love to hear your thoughts! Fairy Tail RPG isset to release on PS4, Switch and PC in Europe and Japan on July 30th and North America on July 31st!