Kingdom Hearts is the brainchild of Final Fantasy creator, Tetsuya Nomura, and is best known for crossing into the world of Disney and its characters. The franchise began in 2002 and told the story of a young boy named Sora, whisked away to another world. Teaming up with Disney's Donald and Goofy, he goes on a world-hopping adventure to save his friends and stop the evil Xehanort.
After almost two decades of waiting, the main storyline to the Kingdom Hearts series finally concluded the first leg of its story with the most recent game Kingdom Hearts 3. The threequel was received with critical acclaim, taking everything from all of the previously released Square Enix and Nomura games and putting it to the test in the latest installment.
While Kingdom Hearts 3 was the end of Xehanort's story, that didn't mean that there wasn't more left to tell. Kingdom Hearts: Dark Road is a new mobile game project that acts as a prequel to the evil character; before he succumbed to the darkness.
Not only will the release feature the villain, but also his best friend and mentor to the young heroes of Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep; Eraqus. Before the acts of Xehanort cause a divide between the two friends, Dark World will chronicle their other adventures, as friends.
Initially, there was an assumption that the game was going to release in the spring, through the Kingdom Hearts: Union χ app. However, as the COVID-19 pandemic began to spread, the game was forced to delay. While no updated release date has been announced, still; new character posters were revealed to help make sure the wait didn't feel too long!
The new characters that were apart of Xehanort and Eraqus' group have highly detailed visuals that single out each new member through color. Those characters are named Urd, Bragi, Vor, and Hermond. The new Keyblade wielders are, without a doubt, going to bring new and fresh personalities to the world of Kingdom Hearts.
While no one knows when to expect the new game to release, the excitement will continue to mount. Make sure to check out the unique character photos and share your thoughts on them in the usual spot!
The series starts with Kingdom Hearts, where a 14-year-old boy named Sora is separated from his friends Riku and Kairi when their home Destiny Islands is consumed in darkness. ... After winning the fight, the figure disappears while Sora continues on his journey to find Riku and the King.
Kingdom Heart: Dark Road is coming soon!