Based on the tactical role-playing series created by Ouji Hiroi, Project Sakura Wars is the first entry to be released in over a decade; with
Sakura Wars V: So Long, My Love releasing in Japan back in 2005 for the PlayStation 2.
Project Sakura Wars was just announced by Sega, and this brand-new entry in the series will be coming out exclusively for the PlayStation 4; expected to release in Spring of 2020 in both Europe and North America.
Red Entertainment and Sega's first title in the series, simply titled
Sakura Wars, was released for the Sega Saturn in 1996; eventually getting a bunch of sequels, an anime, and even a motion picture that featured an original story by Ouji Hiroi and was directed by Crayon Shin-chan director Mitsuru Hongo.
Project Sakura Wars will only be featuring voice acting in Japanese, Sega has revealed that the game will be getting subtitles in English, German, French, and Spanis.
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