The original Sailor Moon anime opening, whether it is in English or Japanese, has a special place in the hearts and minds of anime fans spanning decades of ages. The official YouTube account updated the "Moonlight Densetsu (Moonlight Legend)" with the newest characters and the new animation style in time for the debut of the first Sailor Moon Cosmos anime feature.
The video not only pays homage to the first (and beloved!) Sailor Moon Cosmos anime film's 1992 beginning, but it also acts as the film's opening title.
Watch the video now!
The anime film is presently showing in theaters all throughout Japan.
On top of the new YouTube video, the first Sailor Moon Cosmos anime film's third-week theatrical gift was revealed! Starting on June 23, four coasters with artwork created by character designer Kazuko Tadano will be distributed at random to moviegoers in Japan.
Check out what the coasters will look like below!
The "final battle" from Naoko Takeuchi's original manga series is being adapted for Sailor Moon Cosmos. It was originally translated as the final episode of the first Sailor Moon anime, Sailor Moon Sailor Stars. The first Cosmos movie came out on June 9, and the sequel will be released on June 30.
The Sailor Moon Eternal two-part movie, which premiered on Netflix on June 3, 2021 and in Japan in early 2021, continues with Cosmos. The Sailor Moon Crystal TV anime series, which is currently streaming on Crunchyroll, continued with Eternal.
Crunchyroll describes the Sailor Moon Cosmos anime series below:
Based on Naoko Takeuchi’s legendary manga series, Sailor Moon Crystal retells the story of Sailor Moon as she searches for her fellow Sailor Guardians and the Legendary Silver Crystal to stop the dark forces of Queen Beryl.
Let us know your thoughts on the updated “Moonlight Densetsu (Moonlight Legend)” video in the comments below!