In 2014, Jun Mayuzuki created the manga series Love is Like After the Rain, which is a series about two people with very different lives and dreams, a young woman named Akira, someone forced to leave their sports dreams behind and a man named Kondo, a single father who had to put his writing dreams on the backburner. The two people cross paths and from that point forward, things begin to change for them as they learn that love is like after the rain. The series launched in Shogakukan's Monthly Big Comic Spirits and later move to Weekly Big Comic Spirits.
About four years after the release of the manga, an anime was streamed on Amazon Prime Video, titled After the Rain. The series was developed by Wit Studios and helmed by Ayumu Watanabe (Ace Attorney) and written by Deko Akao (Snow White with the Red Hair) and ran for 12 episodes. After the anime's release, a live action film later premiered that ranked #4 for its opening weekend. While not much news has come out of the series for some time, however, it looks like Sentai Filmworks has one more surprise for fans.
In a recent announcement, Sentai Filmworks announced that an English dub of the series is coming! Sentai Filmworks was also able to release the English dub cast! Some of the cast members include Luci Christian as Akira, Jason Douglas as Kondo, Shelley Calene-Black as Akira's Mother/Angelica and Joe Daniels as Chihiro, to name a few. The company also began streaming a dubbed clip that can be viewed below!
Excited for the new dub? Enjoyed the new clip? We would love to hear your thoughts in the comments! The English dub of After the Rain is coming soon!