In 2018, Mari Yamazaki released the manga series, Olympia Kyklos, in the pages of Shueisha's Grand Jump mangazine. The series tells the story of Demetrios. Demetrios is a young potters apprentice with exceptional athletic skills. When he finds himself in the middle of a village battle, he is struck by lighting and awakens in 1964 Tokyo! The manga has been such a hit, that an anime seires was later released!
Extra Olympia Kyklos is the series tha premiered in 2018. Instead of following a cohesive throughline narrative, like many other anime, this series is moreso a set of shorts that follow Demetrios and the other characters in the series. The series premiered on April 20th and is even streaming on Crunchyroll! The series has released about three episodes so far, but it see,s that hte COVID-19 pandemic will also be affecting this series' release.
Due to the consistent spread of the virus, more and more delays have been annoucned for various series, manga and public events. This also applies to Extra Olympia Kyklos. As of now, the fourth episode of the series will be releasing on May 11th, but the fifth episode will be postponed until late June, due to the hold up on photography and editing.
Sad to see the series on hiatus? Hope that the virus passes sooner rather than later? Make sure to share your thoughts in the comments! Extra Olympia Kyklos will return on June 22nd!