In 2006, Shueisha's Weekly Young Jump magazine released Yasuhisa Hara's Kingdom. Kingdom is a historical manga that tells the story of a slave boy, named Xin, who has dreams of becoming a General and great leader of an army. The series has been a hit among readers and, an anime was released in 2012.
The series has had two complete seasons and has recently released its third season, continuing the story of Xin. Kingdom also has its own live action film that was shown, in theaters, in Canada and the US. The third season of the series was released on April 5th of this year and had been streaming on Funimation, as it airs. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the series looks to be on a hold until further notice.
As of now, the COVID-19 pandemic has put Japan in a state of emergency and has caused many series to delay new episodes of anime and TV shows. As of now, the 4th episode of Kingdom still plans to air, however, the 5th episode will now be put on hold. New episodes will be announced on the series' website and Twitter account, once a date has been decided.
Sad to see the series on hold? Hoping that the wait for a new episode won't be long? Make sure to share your thoughts in the comments! Episode 4 of Kingdom will release on April 26th!