Based on the mobile game series of the same name, Monster Strike originally premiered its first anime back in 2015. The series was a massive hit and two years later, the second season was released and it seemed like the fnabase continued to grow. As of now, the series has spawned three seasons and two films, with a third on the way! As a whole, the franchise has carved its own spot in the world of anime with its exciting characters and stunning visuals.
The most recent film that is set to release is titled Monster Strike THE MOVIE: Lucifer - Dawn of Despair. The film is loaded with situations that are set in motion due to the betrayal of the then hero, Lucifer. It becomes a war against her and her army and the heroes that still defend the world that they love. The film has released footage and is highly anticipated amongst the fans of the series. Sadly, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the film was forced to be delayed to a later date.
While the film has been delayed, this has not stopped the creators from building hype for the film. Recently, a brand new trailer was released for the film that features the film's theme song "Eiyuu no Uta" performed by the singer Masayoshi Oishi. The trailer also features some exciting footage from the film, that can be seen below! Make sure to check it out!
Excited for the new film? Sad about the delay? Make sure to share your thoughts in the usual spot! Monster Strike THE MOVIE: Lucifer - Dawn of Despair is set to release this November!