Based on Tozen Ujeii's slice of life manga of the same name, Seitokai Yakuindomo, tells the story of a formerly all girls school that now accepts boys. The student body is comprised of over 500 girls and only 28 boys, however, hilarity ensues as one young man is now vice president of the student council. The series has had a film that released in 2017 and multiple anime projects that included manga volumes.
Recently, an announcement came that the second film in the seires would be underway. As of now it has been confirmed that Hiromitsu Kanazawa would return to direct the film and newcomer Miho Okasaki would join the cast as Yu Hirose. The other cast members of the first film are also slated to return.
In a new bit of news, a brand new visual was released for the film that can be seen below! Attached to it is a brand new trailer for the upcoming film, that features new footage from the movie! Make sure to check it out below!
Excited for the new film? Ready for more school hijinks? Make sure to share your thoughts in the usual spot! Gekijoban Seitokai Yakuindomo 2 is set to release, in Japan, on July 10th!