A brand new original anime is in production right now titled, Shikizakura. The series is going to be produced by the studio, Sublimation, and will feature some impressive animations. While a synopsis has not been revelaed yet, the series has been described as a "near future science-fiction drama". The series is also set to has 12, 30-minute episodes.
Shikizakura is set to be directed by Shin'ya Sugai and will be produced by Tomoyasu Nishimura. Both of which are board members over at Sublimation, the same studio behind Ghost inthe Shell Arise. From a developmental perspective, the series is set to feature traditional hand drawn animation and the newer CG style of animation. The show appears to have set itself up to be something really special and now fans can have a much more in depth look at what to expect.
Reently, a brand new, minute long, trailer for the series was released. The footage gives fans an idea of what to expect in terms of action and stlye. The promo also shows off what can be expected from the mix of hand drawn and CG animation. Make sure to check it out below!
Excited for the new series? Hoping to see it soon? Shikizakura is set to premiere in early 2021.