Sonic X first aired back in 2003 — until 2005. The anime series originated in Japan as an children's adaptation of the video game franchise of the same name. Sonic and his friends find themselves trapped in the human world and, with the help of a human boy named Chris, must prevent Dr. Eggman from getting the Chaos Emeralds and taking over the world.
On November 19th, it was reported that Sonic X will soon be available to stream on Netflix. As of December 1st, the popular anime series is now available on the streaming service in its entirety — that's all three seasons and 78 episodes.
Sonic X is reportedly available to stream on Netflix in the United States, Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom. Similar content on the streaming service includes
The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog and
Sonic Boom!. However, those animated series are only available in the United States.
Jason Griffith, the voice actor behind Sonic the Hedgehog in Sonix X as well as many other Sonic properties, recently took to social media (via
Gamefragger) to announce the Netflix news. Check out his tweet below: